Beeline simply from A to Btakemethere
Modern people expect simplicity. Start from A and travel to B without hassle. On-trip only the destination counts. Good mobility works that way. Locally, regional and nationwide. Modern travel is as easy as sending a postcard: write down an address and the postman simply delivers!

Take me there
In essence traveling is: “take me to my destination”. Beeline travellers do not worry, the delivery service takes care of it.

Travel information
Navigation in public transport should no longer be a puzzle. Travel information ought to be like a helpful guide. Beeline travel is meant to work like modern car navigation guiding turn by turn. In our opinion transport operators publish correct data both pre-trip and on-trip using open data.

Traveling beeline in our opinion implies customers do not pay for a detour. In essence the product should be an end-to-end journey from A to B, linea recta. That said we ensure operators being paid for kilometers traveled. Ticket fee is clear at the start of a journey, payment is flexible and simple.